My name is Zuzana and you may have come across my food blog @loveckydenik on Instagram or Facebook. Thanks to it, I got my first impulses to open an e-shop. Readers and followers often asked me where I got those beautiful plates, and I thought I could share my passion for old porcelain with them.

I still remember every mug in our house, as well as my grandmother's festive service or coffee set, which was only used when guests came. Thanks to my work as a decor stylist, I have come to love combining old porcelain with new. And you don't have to be afraid to let your imagination run wild either! Just add a few interesting plates or mugs to an ordinary white set and your table will instantly become a fun and inimitable service.

On my e-shop, which I opened after two years of intensive hunting, you will find only quality pieces from renowned and often already extinct porcelain factories. Because quality and beautiful porcelain should not be covered in dust, but should be used. Send it to the next round, let it tell old stories and give it new ones.